Bildits - STEAM Construction Project

We offer a STEAM-accredited and award-winning construction programme intended for students aged 6 to 12. This program immerses students in the world of construction where they design and build miniature houses and projects using real engineering practices.

We provide students with a realistic and engaging experience to develop skills in various disciplines emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and collaborative learning for the 21st century. Our program has been designed to meet US, UK, and IB education standards and our team can customize it to line up with various other educational frameworks.

The curriculum is grounded in fundamental learning theories that encourage students to learn through hands-on experiences. Our innovative approach supports the transition to a student-cantered, inquiry-based and trans disciplinary education preparing students to explore, create and achieve for a richer learning experience.

Rigamajig Junior

Rigamajig Junior is a scaled-down version of the Rigamajiq Basic Builder Kit and the perfect size for home use and in schools. Ideal for hands-on free play in your living room, classroom, playroom, backyard, or even in the back seat, its handy storage duffle bag makes Rigamajig Junior easy to put away and bring anywhere!

Flexible and portable, Rigamajig Junior enables you to make creations and structures large enough to crawl inside, or small enough to play on a lap or tabletop. The only limit is your imagination!

Rigamajig Basic Builder

The Rigamajig Basic Builder is a large-scale building kit that inspires hands-on free play and STE(A)M learning. This collection of wooden planks, wheels, pulleys, nuts, bolts and rope allows children to follow their curiosity through collaborative, creative, and open-ended play. Perfect for schools, children’s/science museums, libraries, community organizations, and maker spaces!



Inspire a love of learning through play. Cubelets® Robot Blocks make it fast and easy to engage children as young as four in learning by building robots.

No need to code, just construct. Cubelets make it easy for students as young as four to learn design, engineering, computational thinking, and creative problem-solving skills. The educational kits are the perfect size to encourage collaboration and cooperation in groups.

When you’re ready to expand your Cubelets skill set, you can level up with the Bluetooth block. Use it to remotely control your robots or learn to code with Cubelets Blockly, an easy-to-learn visual programming tool.